Jun 4, 2009

Ashtray USB, Cigarette ashtray Plus USB Port

If you are an IT employee, as well as heavy smokers, this tiny device may be suitable for you. In addition, because not all offices are smoke-free environment, this may be a small tool can help the existing difficulties. A tiny device shaped, which is named USB Ashtray, has been available in usbgeek.com, with a relatively cheap price of around U.S. $ 17.

Car-shaped device with blue color and half open at the top, used as a cigarette ashtray. When this tiny device is connected to the USB port on a PC/computer, a fan will turn on and suck up all cigarettes smoke and absorbed into the carbon filter that is placed under cigarettes stem. In addition, users can also run two AA batteries to charge in the USB port on the computer. When Ashtray USB device is not in used, user can close the ashtray and the device is now only visible as small blue car/toy.

• Dimensions: 13 x 9.5 x 7.5cm
• Weight: 202g



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